Tiny Droplets-Friday Fictioneers


©Rochelle Wisoff

Listening to the sound of waves as they touched my feet, I wish I could chase them. I wish I could hold water in my hands without dropping it.

Is it just me or does everyone else gets amazed by the nature and how it is so alluring and just incredibly beautiful?

When I thought I had seen all of it and embraced it. When I thought it couldn’t get any more breathtaking…

I tilted my face towards the clouds covering the sky. Tiny droplets touched my face and felt like they washed away every sin I had ever done.

(100 words)


This story is written for the Friday Fictioneers, a writing challenge hosted by  Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.
The task of the challenge is to write a story: beginning, middle, and end, in 100 words or less. Please read and share your thoughts about my story in the comment section.

P.S-Feel free to point out any mistake you find and help me improve. 🙂

41 thoughts on “Tiny Droplets-Friday Fictioneers

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  1. That was just downright awesomely beautiful! 🙂 A much needed reminder after the storms that not all is lost. Look up! Look up! the littlest of the children said Wednesday after the storm. We did, and the sky was the most beautiful blue with powder puff clouds.

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